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Scam on car site (mobile.de, kleinanzeigen.de, autoscout24.de ...)


New member

I want to explain how a group of scammer process by put their WhatsApp scam number (that change everytime) on real car dealership page (they scammed me).
The ad doesn’t stay online more than few days usually, but enough to scam people.
They ask you to send them the link of the car, they will ask you to send your ID card in photo, and they will send you fake invoice with Iban from Neo-bank (like N26, Qonto, Bunq etc…)
They will ask you to pay quickly (because they know there fake IBAN will not be available for too long).
They put a short description after the real contact page by changing description everytime like :

K O N T A K T : WHATSS|APP +49 163 9573480

Kontakt WhatsApp: +49 1630014042 Export Rechnung / Invoice Netto / 19% Rabattangebot /

Export Rechnung / Invoice Netto / 19% Rabattangebot

KONTAKT WHATSS|APP + 49 (0) 176 15639302

Kontakt Whatspp App Support: + 49 176 3622 1848 --- Invoice Netto/ Export Rechnung - 19 % / Export Net ---
WhatsApp Export - + 49 176 3622 1848
+49 176 3622 1848
+49 176 36221848

Kontakt Whatspp App Support: + 49 176 3622 1846--- Invoice Netto/ Export Rechnung - 19 % / Export Net--- Dieses Modell ist diesen

Kontakt Whats App Support: +49 176 36221845 --- Invoice Netto/ Export Rechnung - 19 % / Export Net --- Dieses Modell ist diesen Monat mit

KONTAKT WHATSS|APP +49 15231340765. Für eine schnellere Kommunikation können Sie uns über Whats app kontaktieren, die E-Mails haben Verzögerungen. For faster communication, can contact us on Whats app, the e-mails will have delays.Export Rechnung / Invoice NettoKONTAKT WHATSS|APP +49 15231340765 !!! EXPORT GERMANY

Voice of one of the scammer of their group posted on YouTube using the whatsapp number : +49 15231340765 for this one :



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Same fake autohaus on mobile.de, kleinanzeigen.de etc… who want to steal your money ⚠️
Don’t send any money to them ⚠️
Kontakt WhatsApp Support: +49 176 11257927 Invoice Netto/ Export Rechnung - 19 % / Export Net
+49 17611257927
+49 176 11257927